

my end of year excitement

Hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Alysa Hani Putri. Here I will tell you about my very impressive end of year experience! At the end of this year I spend time with my boyfriend and my family. Our new year's plan this time is to visit the HI area. we leave at 7 pm and arrive at the location at 7.30 pm. When I arrived at the location, my boyfriend and my family rushed to find a comfortable place while waiting for the new year. At 9 pm the HI area was drenched with rain, I, my boyfriend and my family moved quickly to take shelter. At 9.30 the rain stopped and we immediately looked for a comfortable place for us. At 11 pm my grandmother asked to be accompanied to the toilet. The situation in the HI area was very busy and it was difficult to walk. I quickly kept my grandmother safe and looked for the nearest toilet. After arriving at the toilet, the toilet was very busy. My grandmother couldn't hold it in any longer. Finally I decided to order an online taxi so that my grandmo
Haiii kenalin nama gua alysa hani putri,kalian bisa manggil gua alysa/hani/putri senyaman nya kalian aja wkwkwk gua lahir di Jakarta 27 Desember 2003, gua anak pertama dari 3 bersaudara, adik gua cowo semua susah banget dibilangin nya hampir tiap hari berantem sama mereka hahahaha… ohiya, gua dari kecil tinggal di Jakarta tepatnya di Menteng. Asli orang Jakarta gua mah ehh tapi bokap orang Jawa sih, jadi sebenernya gua asli Jakarta apa mix Jawa ya?ahh udahlah ngomongin itu mah panjangg😆 sedikit cerita mengenai foto diatas jadi ini foto pertama gua bareng temen sekelas gua, asli mereka semua kocak abis, seruu, gapernah mati topik obrolannya, gua doain semoga kita makin kompak buat kedepannya😉Udahh segitu aja duluu, jujur ini baru pertama kali gua bikin blog kaya gini, jadi kalo masi banyak kurangnya mohon dimaafkan…. byeee kapan-kapan lagi yaa👋